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Skull Restoration, Facial Reconstruction and Expression

Xin Li · Lan Xu · Yu Ding



This tutorial focuses on the challenges of reconstructing a 3D model of a human face followed by generating facial expressions. It comprises three parts, covering facial reconstruction from skeletal remains, 4D dynamic facial performance, and audio-driven talking face generation. Firstly, Face modeling is a fundamental technique and has broad applications in animation, vision, games, and VR. Facial geometries are fundamentally governed by their underlying skull and tissue structures. This session covers a forensic task of facial reconstruction from skeletal remains, in which we will discuss how to restore fragmented skulls, model anthropological features, and reconstruct human faces upon skulls. Then, we will detail how to capture 4D facial performance, which is the foundation for face modeling and rendering. We will consider the hardware designs for cameras, sensors, lighting, and the steps to obtain dynamic facial geometry along with physically-based textures (pore-level diffuse albedo, specular intensity, and normal, etc.,). We will discuss the two complementary workhorses: multi-view stereo and photometric stereo, and the combination with neural rendering advances and medical imaging. Finally, talking face generation will be discussed including 3D animation parameters and 2D photo-realistic video, as well as their applications. It aims to create a talking video of a speaker with authentic facial expressions from an input of simultaneous speech. The face identity may be from a predefined 3D virtual character, a single image, or a few minutes of a specific speaker.

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