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Alchemist: Parametric Control of Material Properties with Diffusion Models

Prafull Sharma · Varun Jampani · Yuanzhen Li · Xuhui Jia · Dmitry Lagun · Fredo Durand · William Freeman · Mark Matthews

Summit Flex Hall AB Oral #1
[ ] [ Visit Orals 6B Image & Video Synthesis ]
Fri 21 Jun 1 p.m. — 1:18 p.m. PDT


We propose a method to control material attributes of objects like roughness, metallic, albedo, and transparency in real images. Our method capitalizes on the generative prior of text-to-image models known for photorealism, employing a scalar value and instructions to alter low-level material properties. Addressing the lack of datasets with controlled material attributes, we generated an object-centric synthetic dataset with physically-based materials. Fine-tuning a modified pre-trained text-to-image model on this synthetic dataset enables us to edit material properties in real-world images while preserving all other attributes. We show the potential application of our model to material edited NeRFs.

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