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Incorporating Geo-Diverse Knowledge into Prompting for Increased Geographical Robustness in Object Recognition

Kyle Buettner · Sina Malakouti · Xiang Li · Adriana Kovashka

Arch 4A-E Poster #373


Existing object recognition models have been shown to lack robustness in diverse geographical scenarios due to domain shifts in design and context. Class representations need to be adapted to more accurately reflect an object concept under these shifts. In the absence of training data from target geographies, we hypothesize that geographically diverse descriptive knowledge of categories can enhance robustness. For this purpose, we explore the feasibility of probing a large language model for geography-based object knowledge, and we examine the effects of integrating knowledge into zero-shot and learnable soft prompting with CLIP. Within this exploration, we propose geography knowledge regularization to ensure that soft prompts trained on a source set of geographies generalize to an unseen target set. Accuracy gains over prompting baselines on DollarStreet while training only on Europe data are up to +2.8/1.2/1.6 on target data from Africa/Asia/Americas, and +4.6 overall on the hardest classes. Competitive performance is shown vs. few-shot target training, and analysis is provided to direct future study of geographical robustness.

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