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Byzantine-robust Decentralized Federated Learning via Dual-domain Clustering and Trust Bootstrapping

Peng Sun · Xinyang Liu · Zhibo Wang · Bo Liu

Arch 4A-E Poster #52


Decentralized federated learning (DFL) facilitates collaborative model training across multiple connected clients without a central coordination server, thereby avoiding the single point of failure in traditional centralized federated learning (CFL). However, DFL exhibits heightened susceptibility to Byzantine attacks owing to the lack of a responsible central server. Furthermore, a benign client in DFL may be dominated by Byzantine clients (more than half of its neighbors are malicious), posing significant challenges for robust model training. In this work, we propose DFL-Dual, a novel Byzantine-robust DFL method through dual-domain client clustering and trust bootstrapping. Specifically, we first propose to leverage both data-domain and model-domain distance metrics to identify client discrepancies. Then, we design a trust evaluation mechanism centered on benign clients, which enables them to evaluate their neighbors. Building upon the dual-domain distance metric and trust evaluation mechanism, we further develop a two-stage clustering and trust bootstrapping technique to exclude Byzantine clients from local model aggregation. We extensively evaluate the proposed DFL-Dual method through rigorous experimentation, demonstrating its remarkable performance superiority over existing robust CFL and DFL schemes.

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