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Beyond Textual Constraints: Learning Novel Diffusion Conditions with Fewer Examples

Yuyang Yu · Bangzhen Liu · Chenxi Zheng · Xuemiao Xu · Huaidong Zhang · Shengfeng He

Arch 4A-E Poster #225
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Wed 19 Jun 5 p.m. PDT — 6:30 p.m. PDT


In this paper, we delve into a novel aspect of learning novel diffusion conditions with datasets an order of magnitude smaller. The rationale behind our approach is the elimination of textual constraints during the few-shot learning process. To that end, we implement two optimization strategies. The first, prompt-free conditional learning, utilizes a prompt-free encoder derived from a pre-trained Stable Diffusion model. This strategy is designed to adapt new conditions to the diffusion process by minimizing the textual-visual correlation, thereby ensuring a more precise alignment between the generated content and the specified conditions. The second strategy entails condition-specific negative rectification, which addresses the inconsistencies typically brought about by Classifier-free guidance in few-shot training contexts. Our extensive experiments across a variety of condition modalities demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our framework, yielding results comparable to those obtained with datasets a thousand times larger. Our codes are available at

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