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XScale-NVS: Cross-Scale Novel View Synthesis with Hash Featurized Manifold

Guangyu Wang · Jinzhi Zhang · Fan Wang · Ruqi Huang · Lu Fang

Arch 4A-E Poster #144


We propose XScale-NVS for high-fidelity cross-scale novel view synthesis of real-world large-scale scenes. Existing representations based on explicit surface suffer from discretization resolution or UV distortion, while implicit volumetric representations lack scalability for large scenes due to the dispersed weight distribution and surface ambiguity. In light of the above challenges, we introduce hash featurized manifold, a novel hash-based featurization coupled with a deferred neural rendering framework. This approach fully unlocks the expressivity of the representation by explicitly concentrating the hash entries on the 2D manifold, thus effectively representing highly detailed contents independent of the discretization resolution. We also introduce a novel dataset, namely GigaNVS, to benchmark cross-scale, high-resolution novel view synthesis of real- world large-scale scenes. Our method significantly outperforms competing baselines on various real-world scenes, yielding an average LPIPS that is ∼ 40% lower than prior state-of-the-art on the challenging GigaNVS benchmark. Please see our project page at:

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