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UniHuman: A Unified Model For Editing Human Images in the Wild

Nannan Li · Qing Liu · Krishna Kumar Singh · Yilin Wang · Jianming Zhang · Bryan A. Plummer · Zhe Lin

Arch 4A-E Poster #181


Human image editing includes tasks like changing a person's pose, their clothing, or editing the image according to a text prompt. However, prior work often tackles these tasks separately, overlooking the benefit of mutual reinforcement from learning them jointly. In this paper, we propose UniHuman, a unified model that addresses multiple facets of human image editing in real-world settings. To enhance the model's generation quality and generalization capacity, we leverage guidance from human visual encoders and introduce a lightweight pose-warping module that can exploit different pose representations, accommodating unseen textures and patterns. Furthermore, to bridge the disparity between existing human editing benchmarks with real-world data, we curated 400K high-quality human image-text pairs for training and collected 2K human images for out-of-domain testing, both encompassing diverse clothing styles, backgrounds, and age groups. Experiments on both in-domain and out-of-domain test sets demonstrate that UniHuman outperforms task-specific models by a significant margin. In user studies, UniHuman is preferred by the users in an average of 77\% of cases.

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