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HOLD: Category-agnostic 3D Reconstruction of Interacting Hands and Objects from Video

Zicong Fan · Maria Parelli · Maria Kadoglou · Xu Chen · Muhammed Kocabas · Michael J. Black · Otmar Hilliges

Arch 4A-E Poster #31


Since humans interact with diverse objects every day, the holistic 3D capture of these interactions is important to understand and model human behaviour. However, most existing methods for hand-object reconstruction from RGB either assume pre-scanned object templates or heavily rely on limited 3D hand-object data, restricting their ability to scale and generalize to more unconstrained interaction settings. To address this, we introduce HOLD -- the first category-agnostic method that reconstructs an articulated hand and an object jointly from a monocular interaction video. We develop a compositional articulated implicit model that can reconstruct disentangled 3D hands and objects from 2D images. We also further incorporate hand-object constraints to improve hand-object poses and consequently the reconstruction quality. Our method does not rely on any 3D hand-object annotations while significantly outperforming fully-supervised baselines in both in-the-lab and challenging in-the-wild settings. Moreover, we qualitatively show its robustness in reconstructing from in-the-wild videos. See for code, data, models, and updates.

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