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The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Pre-Trained Features for Camera Pose Refinement

Gabriele Trivigno · Carlo Masone · Barbara Caputo · Torsten Sattler

Arch 4A-E Poster #305
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Pose refinement is an interesting and practically relevant research direction. Pose refinement can be used to (1) obtain a more accurate pose estimate from an initial prior (e.g., from retrieval), (2) as pre-processing, i.e., to provide a better starting point to a more expensive pose estimator, (3) as post-processing of a more accurate localizer. Existing approaches focus on learning features / scene representations for the pose refinement task. This involves training an implicit scene representation or learning features while optimizing a camera pose-based loss. A natural question is whether training specific features / representations is truly necessary or whether similar results can be already achieved with more generic features. In this work, we present a simple approach that combines pre-trained features with a particle filter and a renderable representation of the scene. Despite its simplicity, it achieves state-of-the-art results, demonstrating that one can easily build a pose refiner without the need for specific training. The code will be released upon acceptance.

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