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Collaborative Learning of Anomalies with Privacy (CLAP) for Unsupervised Video Anomaly Detection: A New Baseline

Anas Al-lahham · Muhammad Zaigham Zaheer · Nurbek Tastan · Karthik Nandakumar

Arch 4A-E Poster #270


Unsupervised (US) video anomaly detection (VAD) in surveillance applications is gaining more popularity lately due to its practical real-world applications. Due to the extremely challenging nature of this task, where learning is carried out without any annotations, privacy-critical collaborative learning of US-VAD systems has not been studied yet. As surveillance videos are privacy sensitive and the availability of large-scale video data may enable better US-VAD systems, collaborative learning can be highly rewarding in this setting. In this paper, we propose a new baseline for anomaly detection capable of localizing anomalous events in complex surveillance scenarios in a fully unsupervised fashion without any labels on a privacy-retaining participant-based distributed training configuration. Additionally, we propose three new evaluation protocols to extensively evaluate anomaly detection approaches on various scenarios of collaborations and data availability. Moreover, based on these protocols, we modify existing VAD datasets to extensively evaluate our approach as well as existing US SOTA methods on two large-scale datasets including UCF-Crime and XD-Violence. All proposed evaluation protocols, dataset splits, and codes are available here: \href{}{}.

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