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View-Category Interactive Sharing Transformer for Incomplete Multi-View Multi-Label Learning

Shilong Ou · Zhe Xue · Yawen Li · Meiyu Liang · Yuanqiang Cai · junjiang wu

Arch 4A-E Poster #318
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As a problem often encountered in real-world scenarios, multi-view multi-label learning has attracted considerable research attention. However, due to oversights in data collection and uncertainties in manual annotation, real-world data often suffer from incompleteness. Regrettably, most existing multi-view multi-label learning methods sidestep missing views and labels. Furthermore, they often neglect the potential of harnessing complementary information between views and labels, thus constraining their classification capabilities. To address these challenges, we propose a view-category interactive sharing transformer tailored for incomplete multi-view multi-label learning. Within this network, we incorporate a two-layer transformer module to characterize the interplay between views and labels. Additionally, to address view incompleteness, a KNN-style missing view generation module is employed. Finally, we introduce a view-category consistency guided embedding enhancement module to align different views and improve the discriminating power of the embeddings. Collectively, these modules synergistically integrate to classify the incomplete multi-view multi-label data effectively. Extensive experiments substantiate that our approach outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods.

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