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3DToonify: Creating Your High-Fidelity 3D Stylized Avatar Easily from 2D Portrait Images

Yifang Men · Hanxi Liu · Yuan Yao · Miaomiao Cui · Xuansong Xie · Zhouhui Lian

Arch 4A-E Poster #45


Visual content creation has aroused a surge of interest given its applications in mobile photography and AR/VR. Portrait style transfer and 3D recovery from monocular images as two representative tasks have so far evolved independently. In this paper, we make a connection between the two, and tackle the challenging task of 3D portrait stylization – modeling high-fidelity 3D stylized avatars from captured 2D portrait images. However, naively combining the techniques from the two isolated areas may suffer from either inadequate stylization or absence of 3D assets. To this end, we propose 3DToonify, a new framework that introduces a progressive training scheme to achieve 3D style adaption on spatial neural representation (SNR). SNR is constructed with implicit fields and they are dynamically optimized by the progressive training scheme, which consists of three stages: guided prior learning, deformable geometry adaption and explicit texture adaption. In this way, stylized geometry and texture are learned in SNR in an explicit and structured way with only a single stylized exemplar needed. Moreover, our method obtains style-adaptive underlying structures (i.e., deformable geometry and exaggerated texture) and view-consistent stylized avatar rendering from arbitrary novel viewpoints. Both qualitative and quantitative experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness and superiority of our method for automatically generating exemplar-guided 3D stylized avatars.

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