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Predicated Diffusion: Predicate Logic-Based Attention Guidance for Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Kota Sueyoshi ยท Takashi Matsubara

Arch 4A-E Poster #373
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Diffusion models have achieved remarkable success in generating high-quality, diverse, and creative images. However, in text-based image generation, they often struggle to accurately capture the intended meaning of the text. For instance, a specified object might not be generated, or an adjective might incorrectly alter unintended objects. Moreover, we found that relationships indicating possession between objects are frequently overlooked. Despite the diversity of users' intentions in text, existing methods often focus on only some aspects of these intentions. In this paper, we propose Predicated Diffusion, a unified framework designed to more effectively express users' intentions. It represents the intended meaning as propositions using predicate logic and treats the pixels in attention maps as fuzzy predicates. This approach provides a differentiable loss function that offers guidance for the image generation process to better fulfill the propositions. Comparative evaluations with existing methods demonstrated that Predicated Diffusion excels in generating images faithful to various text prompts, while maintaining high image quality, as validated by human evaluators and pretrained image-text models.

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