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Anatomically Constrained Implicit Face Models

Prashanth Chandran ยท Gaspard Zoss

Arch 4A-E Poster #198


Coordinate based implicit neural representations have gained rapid popularity in recent years as they have been successfully used in image, geometry and scene modelling tasks. In this work, we present a novel use case for such implicit representations in the context of learning anatomically constrained face models. Actor specific anatomically constrained face models are the state of the art in both facial performance capture and performance retargeting. Despite their practical success, these anatomical models are slow to evaluate and often require extensive data capture to be built. We propose the anatomical implicit face model; an ensemble of implicit neural networks that jointly learn to model the facial anatomy and the skin surface with high fidelity, and can readily be used as a drop in replacement to conventional blendshape models. Given an arbtrary set of skin surface meshes of an actor and only a neutral shape with estimated skull and jaw bones, our method can recover a dense anatomical substructure which constrains every point on the facial surface. We demonstrate the usefulness of our approach in several tasks ranging from shape fitting, shape editing, and performance retargeting.

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