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Progressive Semantic-Guided Vision Transformer for Zero-Shot Learning

Shiming Chen · Wenjin Hou · Salman Khan · Fahad Shahbaz Khan

Arch 4A-E Poster #431


Zero-shot learning (ZSL) recognizes the unseen classes by conducting visual-semantic interactions to transfer semantic knowledge from seen classes to unseen ones, supported by semantic information (e.g., attributes). However, existing ZSL methods simply extract visual features using a pre-trained network backbone (i.e., CNN or ViT), which fail to learn matched visual-semantic correspondences for representing semantic-related visual features as lacking of the guidance of semantic information, resulting in undesirable visual-semantic interactions. To tackle this issue, we propose a progressive semantic-guided vision transformer for zero-shot learning (dubbed ZSLViT). ZSLViT mainly considers two properties in the whole network: i) discover the semantic-related visual representations explicitly, and ii) discard the semantic-unrelated visual information. Specifically, we first introduce semantic-embedded token learning to improve the visual-semantic correspondences via semantic enhancement and discover the semantic-related visual tokens explicitly with semantic-guided token attention. Then, we fuse low semantic-visual correspondence visual tokens to discard the semantic-unrelated visual information for visual enhancement. These two operations are integrated into various encoders to progressively learn semantic-related visual representations for accurate visual-semantic interactions in ZSL. The extensive experiments show that our ZSLViT achieves significant performance gains on three popular benchmark datasets, i.e., CUB, SUN, and AWA2.

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