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Oral Session

Orals 2A Image & Video Synthesis

Summit Ballroom
Wed 19 Jun 1 p.m. PDT — 2:30 p.m. PDT
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Wed 19 June 13:00 - 13:18 PDT

Oral #1
FreeU: Free Lunch in Diffusion U-Net

Chenyang Si · Ziqi Huang · Yuming Jiang · Ziwei Liu

In this paper, we uncover the untapped potential of diffusion U-Net, which serves as a "free lunch" that substantially improves the generation quality on the fly. We initially investigate the key contributions of the U-Net architecture to the denoising process and identify that its main backbone primarily contributes to denoising, whereas its skip connections mainly introduce high-frequency features into the decoder module, causing the potential neglect of crucial functions intrinsic to the backbone network. Capitalizing on this discovery, we propose a simple yet effective method, termed ``\textbf{FreeU}'', which enhances generation quality without additional training or finetuning. Our key insight is to strategically re-weight the contributions sourced from the U-Net’s skip connections and backbone feature maps, to leverage the strengths of both components of the U-Net architecture. Promising results on image and video generation tasks demonstrate that our FreeU can be readily integrated to existing diffusion models, e.g., Stable Diffusion, DreamBooth and ControlNet, to improve the generation quality with only a few lines of code. All you need is to adjust two scaling factors during inference.

Wed 19 June 13:18 - 13:36 PDT

Oral #2
Ranni: Taming Text-to-Image Diffusion for Accurate Instruction Following

Yutong Feng · Biao Gong · Di Chen · Yujun Shen · Yu Liu · Jingren Zhou

Existing text-to-image (T2I) diffusion models usually struggle in interpreting complex prompts, especially those with quantity, object-attribute binding, and multi-subject descriptions. In this work, we introduce a semantic panel as the middleware in decoding texts to images, supporting the generator to better follow instructions. The panel is obtained through arranging the visual concepts parsed from the input text by the aid of large language models, and then injected into the denoising network as a detailed control signal to complement the text condition. To facilitate text-to-panel learning, we come up with a carefully designed semantic formatting protocol, accompanied by a fully-automatic data preparation pipeline. Thanks to such a design, our approach, which we call Ranni, manages to enhance a pre-trained T2I generator regarding its textual controllability. More importantly, the introduction of the generative middleware brings a more convenient form of interaction (i.e., directly adjusting the elements in the panel or using language instructions) and further allows users to finely customize their generation, based on which we develop a practical system and showcase its potential in continuous generation and chatting-based editing.

Wed 19 June 13:36 - 13:54 PDT

Oral #3
Instruct-Imagen: Image Generation with Multi-modal Instruction

Hexiang Hu · Kelvin C.K. Chan · Yu-Chuan Su · Wenhu Chen · Yandong Li · Kihyuk Sohn · Yang Zhao · Xue Ben · William Cohen · Ming-Wei Chang · Xuhui Jia

This paper presents Instruct-Imagen, a model that tackles heterogeneous image generation tasks and generalizes across unseen tasks.We introduce multi-modal instruction for image generation, a task representation articulating a range of generation intents with precision.It uses natural language to amalgamate disparate modalities (e.g., text, edge, style, subject, \etc), such that abundant generation intents can be standardized in a uniform format.We then build Instruct-Imagen by fine-tuning a pre-trained text-to-image diffusion model with two stages. First, we adapt the model using the retrieval-augmented training, to enhance model's capabilities to ground its generation on external multi-modal context.Subsequently, we fine-tune the adapted model on diverse image generation tasks that requires vision-language understanding (e.g., subject-driven generation, etc.), each paired with a multi-modal instruction encapsulating the task's essence. Human evaluation on various image generation datasets reveals that Instruct-Imagen matches or surpasses prior task-specific models in-domain and demonstrates promising generalization to unseen and more complex tasks. Our evaluation suite will be made publicly available.

Wed 19 June 13:54 - 14:12 PDT

Oral #4
Attention Calibration for Disentangled Text-to-Image Personalization

Yanbing Zhang · Mengping Yang · Qin Zhou · Zhe Wang

Recent thrilling progress in large-scale text-to-image (T2I) models has unlocked unprecedented synthesis quality of AI-generated content (AIGC) including image generation, 3D and video composition. Further, personalized techniques enable appealing customized production of a novel concept given only several images as reference. However, an intriguing problem persists: Is it possible to capture \textbf{multiple, novel concepts} from \textbf{one single reference image}? In this paper, we identify that existing approaches fail to preserve visual consistency with the reference image and eliminate cross-influence from concepts. To alleviate this, we propose an attention calibration mechanism to improve the concept-level understanding of the T2I model. Specifically, we first introduce new learnable modifiers bound with classes to capture attributes of multiple concepts. Then, the classes are separated and strengthened following the activation of the cross-attention operation, ensuring comprehensive and self-contained concepts. Additionally, we suppress the attention activation of different classes to mitigate mutual influence among concepts. Together, our proposed method, dubbed \textbf{DisenDiff}, can learn disentangled multiple concepts from one single image and produce novel customized images with learned concepts. We demonstrate that our method outperforms the current state of the art in both qualitative and quantitative evaluations. More importantly, our proposed techniques are compatible with LoRA and inpainting pipelines, enabling more interactive experiences.

Wed 19 June 14:12 - 14:30 PDT

Oral #5
Style Aligned Image Generation via Shared Attention

Amir Hertz · Andrey Voynov · Shlomi Fruchter · Daniel Cohen-Or

Large-scale Text-to-Image (T2I) models have rapidly gained prominence across creative fields, generating visually compelling outputs from textual prompts. However, controlling these models to ensure consistent style remains challenging, with existing methods necessitating fine-tuning and manual intervention to disentangle content and style. In this paper, we introduce StyleAligned, a novel technique designed to establish style alignment among a series of generated images. By employing minimal `attention sharing' during the diffusion process, our method maintains style consistency across images within T2I models. This approach allows for the creation of style-consistent images using a reference style through a straightforward inversion operation. Our method's evaluation across diverse styles and text prompts demonstrates high-quality synthesis and fidelity, underscoring its efficacy in achieving consistent style across various inputs.