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Oral Session

Orals 4A Autonomous navigation and egocentric vision

Summit Ballroom
Thu 20 Jun 1 p.m. PDT — 2:30 p.m. PDT
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Thu 20 June 13:00 - 13:18 PDT

Oral #1
SAFDNet: A Simple and Effective Network for Fully Sparse 3D Object Detection

Gang Zhang · Chen Junnan · Guohuan Gao · Jianmin Li · Si Liu · Xiaolin Hu

LiDAR-based 3D object detection plays an essential role in autonomous driving. Existing high-performing 3D object detectors usually build dense feature maps in the backbone network and prediction head. However, the computational costs introduced by the dense feature maps grow quadratically as the perception range increases, making these models hard to scale up to long-range detection. Some recent works have attempted to construct fully sparse detectors to solve this issue; nevertheless, the resulting models either rely on a complex multi-stage pipeline or exhibit inferior performance. In this work, we propose SAFDNet, a straightforward yet highly effective architecture, tailored for fully sparse 3D object detection. In SAFDNet, an adaptive feature diffusion strategy is designed to address the center feature missing problem. We conducted extensive experiments on Waymo Open, nuScenes, and Argoverse2 datasets. SAFDNet performed slightly better than the previous SOTA on the first two datasets but much better on the last dataset, which features long-range detection, verifying the efficacy of SAFDNet in scenarios where long-range detection is required. Notably, on Argoverse2, SAFDNet surpassed the previous best hybrid detector HEDNet by 2.6\% mAP while being 2.1$\times$ faster, and yielded 2.1\% mAP gains over the previous best sparse detector FSDv2 while being 1.3$\times$ faster. The code will be available at

Thu 20 June 13:18 - 13:36 PDT

Oral #2
UnO: Unsupervised Occupancy Fields for Perception and Forecasting

Ben Agro · Quinlan Sykora · Sergio Casas · Thomas Gilles · Raquel Urtasun

Perceiving the world and forecasting its future state is a critical task for self-driving. Supervised approaches leverage annotated object labels to learn a model of the world --- traditionally with object detections and trajectory predictions, or temporal bird's-eye-view (BEV) occupancy fields. However, these annotations are expensive and typically limited to a set of predefined categories that do not cover everything we might encounter on the road. Instead, we learn to perceive and forecast a continuous 4D (spatio-temporal) occupancy field with self-supervision from LiDAR data. This unsupervised world model can be easily and effectively transferred to downstream tasks. We tackle point cloud forecasting by adding a lightweight learned renderer and achieve state-of-the-art performance in Argoverse 2, nuScenes, and KITTI. To further showcase its transferability, we fine-tune our model for BEV semantic occupancy forecasting and show that it outperforms the fully supervised state-of-the-art, especially when labeled data is scarce. Finally, when compared to prior state-of-the-art on spatio-temporal geometric occupancy prediction, our 4D world model achieves a much higher recall of objects from classes relevant to self-driving.

Thu 20 June 13:36 - 13:54 PDT

Oral #3
EgoGen: An Egocentric Synthetic Data Generator

Gen Li · Kaifeng Zhao · Siwei Zhang · Xiaozhong Lyu · Mihai Dusmanu · Yan Zhang · Marc Pollefeys · Siyu Tang

Understanding the world in first-person view is fundamental in Augmented Reality (AR). This immersive perspective brings dramatic visual changes and unique challenges compared to third-person views. Synthetic data has empowered third-person-view vision models, but its application to embodied egocentric perception tasks remains largely unexplored. A critical challenge lies in simulating natural human movements and behaviors that effectively steer the embodied cameras to capture a faithful egocentric representation of the 3D world. To address this challenge, we introduce EgoGen, a new synthetic data generator that can produce accurate and rich ground-truth training data for egocentric perception tasks. At the heart of EgoGen is a novel human motion synthesis model that directly leverages egocentric visual inputs of a virtual human to sense the 3D environment. Combined with collision-avoiding motion primitives and a two-stage reinforcement learning approach, our motion synthesis model offers a closed-loop solution where the embodied perception and movement of the virtual human are seamlessly coupled. Compared to previous works, our model eliminates the need for a pre-defined global path, and is directly applicable to dynamic environments. Combined with our easy-to-use and scalable data generation pipeline, we demonstrate EgoGen’s efficacy in three tasks: mapping and localization for head-mounted cameras, egocentric camera tracking, and human mesh recovery from egocentric views. EgoGen will be fully open-sourced, offering a practical solution for creating realistic egocentric training data and aiming to serve as a useful tool for egocentric computer vision research.

Thu 20 June 13:54 - 14:12 PDT

Oral #4
Learning to Segment Referred Objects from Narrated Egocentric Videos

Yuhan Shen · Huiyu Wang · Xitong Yang · Matt Feiszli · Ehsan Elhamifar · Lorenzo Torresani · Effrosyni Mavroudi

Egocentric videos provide a first-person perspective of the wearer's activities, involving simultaneous interactions with multiple objects. In this work, we propose the task of weakly-supervised Narration-based Video Object Segmentation (NVOS). Given an egocentric video clip and a narration of the wearer's activities, our aim is to segment object instances mentioned in the narration, without using any spatial annotations during training. Existing weakly-supervised video object grounding methods typically yield bounding boxes for referred objects. In contrast, we propose ROSA, a weakly-supervised pixel-level grounding framework learning alignments between referred objects and segmentation mask proposals. Our model harnesses vision-language models pre-trained on image-text pairs to embed region masks and object phrases. During training, we combine (a) a video-narration contrastive loss that implicitly supervises the alignment between regions and phrases, and (b) a region-phrase contrastive loss based on inferred latent alignments. To address the lack of annotated NVOS datasets in egocentric videos, we create a new evaluation benchmark, VISOR-NVOS, leveraging existing annotations of segmentation masks from VISOR alongside 12k newly-collected, object-based video clip narrations. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art zero-shot pixel-level grounding performance compared to strong baselines under similar supervision. Additionally, we demonstrate generalization capabilities for zero-shot video object grounding on YouCook2, a third-person instructional video dataset.

Thu 20 June 14:12 - 14:30 PDT

Oral #5
Producing and Leveraging Online Map Uncertainty in Trajectory Prediction

Xunjiang Gu · Guanyu Song · Igor Gilitschenski · Marco Pavone · Boris Ivanovic

High-definition (HD) maps have played an integral role in the development of modern autonomous vehicle (AV) stacks, albeit with high associated labeling and maintenance costs. As a result, many recent works have proposed methods for estimating HD maps online from sensor data, enabling AVs to operate outside of previously-mapped regions. However, current online map estimation approaches are developed in isolation of their downstream tasks, complicating their integration in AV stacks. In particular, they do not produce uncertainty or confidence estimates. In this work, we extend multiple state-of-the-art online map estimation methods to additionally output uncertainty estimates and show how they enable more tightly integrating online mapping with trajectory forecasting. In doing so, we find that incorporating uncertainty yields up to 50% faster training convergence and up to 15% better prediction performance on the real-world nuScenes driving dataset.