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Generating Handwritten Mathematical Expressions From Symbol Graphs: An End-to-End Pipeline

Yu chen · Fei Gao · YanguangZhang · Maoying Qiao · Nannan Wang

Arch 4A-E Poster #103

Abstract: In this paper, we solve a novel challenging generation task, i.e. Handwritten Mathematical Expression Generation (HMEG) from symbolic sequences. Since symbolic sequences are naturally graph-structured data, we formulate HMEG as a graph-to-image (G2I) generation problem. Unlike the generation of natural images, HMEG requires critic layout clarity for synthesizing correct and recognizable formulas, but has no real masks available to supervise the learning process. To alleviate this challenge, we propose a novel end-to-end G2I generation pipeline (i.e. graphlayoutmaskimage), which requires no real masks or nondifferentiable alignment between layouts and masks. Technically, to boost the capacity of predicting detailed relations among adjacent symbols, we propose a Less-is-More (LiM) learning strategy. In addition, we design a differentiable layout refinement module, which maps bounding boxes to pixel-level soft masks, so as to further alleviate ambiguous layout areas. Our whole model, including layout prediction, mask refinement, and image generation, can be jointly optimized in an end-to-end manner. Experimental results show that, our model can generate high-quality HME images, and outperforms previous generative methods. Besides, a series of ablations study demonstrate effectiveness of the proposed techniques. Finally, we validate that our generated images promisingly boosts the performance of HME recognition models, through data augmentation. Our code will be released after peer review.

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