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Workshops Chairs: Olga Russakovsky, Serena Yeung, Yu Wu
Proposal Deadline: Oct 02, 2024
Notification by: December 14, 2022

We are soliciting proposals for workshops to be held together with the 2023 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2023). The workshops will take place on June 18 and 19 at the same venue as the main conference in Vancouver, Canada. The purpose of the workshops is to provide a comprehensive forum on topics that will not be fully explored during the main conference and to encourage in-depth discussion of technical, application, and community issues. In addition, we strongly encourage and will give special consideration during the review process to workshops aiming to create and strengthen communities (such as affinity workshops like “Women in Computer Vision” or “Good Citizens of CVPR”) as well as workshops focusing on the social impact of computer vision.  

In the past few years, the number of workshop proposals has been increasing rapidly. Due to space and time limitations, as well as to encourage diversity of topic coverage, we will only be able to retain a limited number of proposals. Therefore, we encourage the workshop organizers to submit proposals that are specific and detailed in justifying relevance, viability and uniqueness. Workshops that are substantially similar to each other in content may be asked to merge.

New (Workshop Tracks): This CVPR, to improve the organization of workshops on similar broad topics, we additionally ask submissions to identify a primary subject area (e.g., “Video analysis & understanding”) that they belong to, as well as up to 5 secondary subject areas (e.g., “Behavior analysis” and “Action and event recognition”). This information will be used to create a “track” structure with workshops on cohesive topics (e.g., there may be a track on “Semantic understanding in video” consisting of 4 half-day workshops). Workshops within a “track” will take place in the same room (or be co-located), and workshop organizers will be asked to work closely with others in their track as to avoid overlap in content and speakers to the extent possible. Not every workshop will be assigned to a track – in fact, we encourage submission of workshops on interesting niche topics which will not be part of any particular track. 


  • Workshops will follow the format of CVPR 2023 (in-person, hybrid, and/or virtual). More information will be disseminated closer to the conference date. Proposals for virtual-only workshops are allowed.

  • If you intend to peer-review and publish accepted papers in conjunction with CVPR 2023 proceedings, please note the following dates:

    • Last day for workshop camera-ready submission: The date WorkshopCameraReadyDeadline not found.

    • Last day for finalized workshop program: The date LastDayForFinalizedWorkshopProgram not found.

  • Workshop proposals should be submitted via CMT3 (


Workshop proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria. Their order below does not reflect their importance.

  • Excitement and Relevance

    • We are looking for workshops which complement the main conference, reflect the CVPR community’s interest in a topic, as well as those that generate new discussion and momentum.

    • We strongly encourage workshops aimed at creating or improving community, workshops focusing on the social impact of computer vision, interdisciplinary workshops, and workshops on niche topics not sufficiently represented at CVPR.

  • Diversity and inclusion 

    • We encourage, and expect, diversity in the organizing team and speakers and invited speakers (e.g., gender, race, affiliations, seniority, etc.), and diversity of opinions represented during a workshop.

    • Proposals should specify how diversity is being addressed. The CVPR 2023 Workshop Chairs ( and DEI Chairs ( are available to help if needed.

  • Diversity of topics and formats

    • We strive for a diversity of topics. Workshops with overlapping topics may be asked to merge (workshops with similar but non-overlapping topics will be grouped within a track). While merging is optional, at most one of the workshops proposed to be merged will be accepted.

    • We strive for different workshop formats, such as invited speakers, challenges, community building, etc.

    • There should be minimal overlap in invited speakers between workshops. Workshop organizers are strongly encouraged to invite speakers who are uniquely relevant to their topics, and to think broadly about inviting speakers beyond those that commonly speak at CVPR workshops.

  • Social impact and ethical consideration 

    • Computer vision may be useful both in positive and negative ways, so we expect workshop organizers to articulate the potential impact of their topics in the proposal and to incorporate those considerations into the workshop itself.

    • We encourage workshops focusing specifically on the social impact of computer vision.

  • Organization

    • The level of experience of the organizing team and the dedication of the main organizers will be taken into account. 

    • The proposal should clearly articulate plans for engaging the audience in the workshop’s intended format (in-person, hybrid or virtual)


Proposals should be submitted as a PDF via CMT ( by October 19, 2022 [11:59 p.m. Pacific Standard Time]. Proposals should include the following.


  1. Workshop title

  2. Workshop acronym

  3. Topics that will be covered in the workshop.

  4. Broader impact statement: Describe why the workshop is relevant to the community and how relevant the topics or discussion are beyond the CVPR audience.

  5. Ethical considerations around the topic (if any)

  6. Relationship to previous workshops: Describe how this proposal relates to previous workshops held at CVPR/ICCV/ECCV/etc. in the last three years.

  7. If you are aware of other workshop proposals being submitted to CVPR'23 that may be suitable to form a "workshop track" please mention this in your proposal (see details above on workshop tracks).


  1. List of organizers: Please make sure that all organizers are listed as authors of the workshop proposal submission in CMT3.

  2. Primary organizer responsible for liaising with the workshop chairs.

  3. Organizing team’s experience and background: Information that supports the organizers’ ability to run a workshop, and appropriateness to a workshop on this topic, including brief bios for the main organizers.

  4. List of invited speakers: Please list only speakers that have confirmed or tentatively confirmed their attendance, and who are willing to deliver a virtual talk if necessary. For each speaker, (a) please indicate if confirmation is tentative or final, (b) provide a link to their homepage, and (c) explain their relevance to the workshop.   We recommend finding invited speakers who will not give the same talk at multiple workshops; otherwise, the workshops may be asked to merge. 

  5. Diversity: Discuss how diversity is being addressed among (a) the organizing committee and (b) the invited speakers.


  1. Format:  CVPR 2023 will be in-person.  Given the on-going COVID-19 pandemic, we will endeavour to support workshops that are in-person, mixed in-person and virtual attendance, or are fully virtual. This decision will be made by the CVPR 2023 organizers as needed. Organizers should specify their intended format. In particular, describe how you will support virtual attendance if the workshop is partially virtual or the workshop format if the workshop is fully virtual.

  2. Expected workshop size: Small (< 100 attendees), Medium (100-300 attendees), Large (>300 attendees)

  3. Request for full-day workshop (optional): all workshops will be half-day by default; if a full-day event is necessary, provide a short justification.  

  4. Schedule: Provide a preliminary schedule for your workshop. 

  5. If including paper submissions: (a) Tentative program committee, (b), Paper review timeline, (c) Will these papers be published in proceedings? Note that paper submissions must adhere to the CVPR 2023 paper submission style, format, and length restrictions.

  6. If the workshop hosts a competition, describe it: (a) Explain which datasets will be used, (b) Whether the datasets are already available or not; in the latter case, provide an estimate when the datasets will be available and describe your contingency plan in case of delays; (c) Ethical considerations for the datasets, (d) How submissions will be evaluated, (e) The timeline for the competition (start, submission deadline, decisions to participants).

  7. If in-person posters are included, how many are expected?

  8. Special space or equipment requests, if any.

Proposals failing to comply with the guidelines will be desk rejected.  


  • The CVPR 2023 organizers will collect workshop registrations, provide facilities, and distribute electronic copies of the workshop proceedings.

  • Workshops will be required to prepare their own websites, separate from the CVPR 2023 webpage. These pages will include workshop details, organizers, dates, submission instructions, and, once finalized, the workshop program.

  • Workshop organizers are expected to respond in a timely manner to requests from the CVPR 2023 organizers (e.g., by providing the workshop program to be included in the main distribution materials).

  • Workshop organizers should appoint a "primary organizer" who will serve as the main point of contact between the workshop chairs and the workshop organizers. 


For any questions, please contact the workshop chairs, Olga Russakovsky, Serena Yeung, Yu Wu, at